what is lioness about

what is lioness about

1 year ago 96

"Lioness" is a television series created by Taylor Sheridan that premiered on July 23, 2023, on Paramount+ . The show is based on a real-life undercover program of the CIA called the Lioness Program. The series follows a team of operatives attempting to bring down a terrorist organization within, using a female operative to infiltrate the organization. The main character, Joe, is a CIA agent who enlists Cruz, a Marine Raider, as an undercover operative in the Lioness Program. The show is expected to debut in late 2023 or 2024. The cast includes Zoe Saldaña, Laysla De Oliveira, Dave Annable, Jill Wagner, LaMonica Garrett, James Jordan, Austin Hébert, Hannah Love Lanier, Stephanie Nur, Jonah Wharton, and Morgan Freeman.

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