what is lipedema surgery

what is lipedema surgery

1 year ago 82

Lipedema surgery is a specialized form of liposuction that is used to remove excess fatty tissue in patients with lipedema. The surgery is usually performed with tumescent local anesthesia, and one of the core issues is to ensure preservation of the lymphatic system. During the procedure, the surgeon injects a solution into the targeted areas containing epinephrine to help reduce bleeding, bruising, and swelling, and lidocaine as a local anesthetic. The surgeon then uses a gentle, vacuum-like instrument to remove excess fat. Tumescent liposuction is the most effective treatment for lipedema, and it can prevent recurrence for an average of five years.

Other surgical options for lipedema treatment include reductive surgery and bariatric surgery. However, liposuction is the most effective treatment to remove the fatty tissue. Nonsurgical therapies are helpful for people who have lipo-lymphedema, an advanced stage of lipedema in which lymphatic fluid builds up in addition to excess fatty tissue. Traditional treatments for lipedema have very limited success, and usual recommendations include diet, exercise, nutritional modifications, emotional support, biofeedback, and compression garments.

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