what is living shell trio apex

what is living shell trio apex

10 months ago 27

The Living Shell Trio Apex is a limited-time mode (LTM) in Apex Legends Season 18, introduced as part of the Harbingers Collection Event. This mode is available in Trios and features a new addition called the Rev Shell, which is a target-seeking grenade. Players can use the Rev Shell to eliminate or weaken opponents by tossing it, leading to substantial harm during its subsequent actions. The Rev Shells are available as normal loot in the Living Shell Trio mode, and players can find them on the ground and in loot bins. The Apex Rev Shell can deal up to 75 damage if it hits the intended target and can pass through walls and windows in pursuit of its target. This mode offers a fresh gameplay experience with the introduction of the Rev Shell and provides an opportunity for players to strategize and adapt their playstyle to make the most of this new equipment.

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