what is load index on tires

what is load index on tires

1 year ago 90

The load index on a tire is an assigned number that corresponds to the maximum weight that a tire can support when properly inflated. The load index number is a shorthand way to describe the total load capacity of the tire. The load index is determined by engineers who design and build cars, and they determine how much weight the car can carry safely based on the right tire size and pressure. The load index is located on the tires sidewall and listed after the tire's size. Passenger tires will feature one load index number on its sidewall. The load index is important because it tells you how much weight your tire can carry, and overloading your tires is never a good idea. When you put too much weight on your tires, you can cause damage and wear them down prematurely. Even worse, you run the risk of experiencing a tire blowout.

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