what is local body in kerala

what is local body in kerala

1 year ago 36

Local bodies in Kerala are a three-tier system of local self-government, consisting of Gram Panchayats at the village level, Municipalities at the urban level, and Corporations at the city level. The local bodies in Kerala are responsible for the governance and administration of towns and cities within the state.

Here is a breakdown of the different types of local bodies in Kerala:

  • Gram Panchayats: There are 941 Gram Panchayats in Kerala, which are responsible for the governance of villages and small towns.
  • Block Panchayats: There are 152 Block Panchayats in Kerala, which are responsible for the governance of a group of Gram Panchayats.
  • District Panchayats: There are 14 District Panchayats in Kerala, which are responsible for the governance of a district.
  • Municipalities: There are 87 Municipalities in Kerala, which are responsible for the governance of towns and cities.
  • Municipal Corporations: There are 6 Municipal Corporations in Kerala, which are responsible for the governance of major cities.

The number of local bodies in Kerala is likely to increase as the number of wards is expected to increase in some municipalities and corporations. However, the division of block panchayats is not recommended.

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