what is local storage

what is local storage

1 year ago 28

Local storage is a standard JavaScript API provided by web browsers that allows websites to store persistent data on users devices similar to cookies, but with much larger capacity and no information sent in HTTP headers. Local storage is one of two mechanisms for the Web Storage API, the other being session storage. Here are some key features of local storage:

  • Scope: Data placed in local storage is per origin, which is the combination of protocol, host name, and port number as defined in the same-origin policy. The data is available to all scripts loaded from pages from the same origin that previously stored the data and persists after the browser is closed.

  • Capacity: Local storage can store up to five megabytes of data.

  • Usage: Local storage can be used to store user preferences like the language or theme, cache data if it is frequently used, and store form data that won’t be lost if the user closes the browser. However, it is not suitable for storing large amounts of data and should not be used to store sensitive information since it is accessible to anyone who uses the device.

To use local storage, you can access the Storage object for the Documents origin using the localStorage read-only property of the window interface. You can then use methods like setItem(), getItem(), removeItem(), and clear() to store, retrieve, remove, and clear data in local storage.

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