what is lscs delivery

what is lscs delivery

1 year ago 40

LSCS delivery stands for Lower Segment Caesarean Section, which is the most commonly used type of Caesarean section. It is a surgical procedure to deliver a baby through a cut made in the mothers abdomen and uterus. During an LSCS delivery, a transverse incision is made in the lower uterine segment above the attachment of the urinary bladder to the uterus. This type of incision results in less blood loss and is easier to repair than other types of Caesarean sections. The location of an LSCS is beneficial for several reasons, including that the peritoneum is more loosely attached to the uterus, contraction is less than in the upper part of the uterus, healing is more efficient, and sutures are intact. LSCS delivery is performed when a vaginal delivery is not safe or possible, such as in cases of cephalopelvic disproportion or a previous C-section.

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