what is mahalaya paksha

what is mahalaya paksha

10 months ago 30

Mahalaya Paksha is a 15-day lunar period in the Hindu calendar to propitiate the ancestors, also known as Pitru Paksha or the fortnight of the ancestors. It falls in the month of Bhadrapada/Ashwini (September/October) on Krishna paksha or the waning phase. During this period, Hindus pay homage to their ancestors by performing special religious rites such as Shraddha and Tarpanam. The offerings made to the Pitrus during this fortnight are considered important and reach all departed souls, whether they are directly related to those offering them or not. The Garuda Purana states that performing Shraddha during Mahalaya Paksha grants peace and blessings to the deceased souls, thereby ensuring their peaceful journey towards higher realms. Similarly, the Yajnavalkya Smriti says performing Shraddha during this Paksha is a means to repay our debt to forefathers and pray for their blessings.

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