Mahendra Porutham is one of the ten poruthams used in Kundali matching, which is a compatibility analysis done before marriage in India. It is based on the birth stars of the couple and denotes longevity, progeny, and wealth. It also signifies the mans capability to protect his wife and children in terms of finance, moral support, and protection from the evil forces of the world. It is believed that the presence of Mahendra Porutham between the couple is sufficient in the absence of Dina Porutham and Rasiyathipathy Porutham. If the boy’s birth star is in the positions 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, and 25th from that of the girl’s birth star, the Mahendra Porutham is considered compatible (uttamam of good). In other positions, it is considered incompatible. The methodology of Poruthams was programmed by the Indian sages of old and used exclusively for marriage alliances, with the sole aim being for the couple to have a happy and harmonious married life, devoid of clashes and sorrows.