Maki is a type of sushi that refers to rolled, vinegared, sour rice wrapped around other ingredients. The rice used in maki is paired with other ingredients, which can include raw or cooked fish, vegetables, meat, or even plain vegetables. There are no strict rules as to what goes inside the roll, and there is a world of possibilities when pairing these rolls with other delicious options. Maki sushi can be filled with a variety of choices, and there are five different types of maki, each changing its name depending on what ingredients are combined. The five types of maki are hosomaki, chumaki, futomaki, uramaki, and temaki. The inside-out maki is rolled the opposite way, with the nori wrapping the center of the roll, and then the rice wrapping the nori on the outside. Maki sushi is a popular Japanese dish that has been an important part of Japanese cuisine since the Edo period.