what is man

what is man

1 year ago 35

According to the search results, "man" can refer to different things depending on the context. Here are some of the definitions and characteristics of "man":

  • A man is an adult male human.
  • Prior to adulthood, a male human is referred to as a boy.
  • The English term "man" is derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *man- and originally meant "person" or "human being" and referred to men, women, and children alike.
  • Masculinity is the set of personality traits and attributes associated with boys and men.
  • The term "man" in the Bible sometimes refers to one male human, but more commonly means "human beings," both male and female.
  • Mankind, humankind, and humanity are collective designations for all humans—creatures who are made in Gods image, a characteristic that distinguishes men and women from the animals and from the Creator God Himself.
  • God created man, that is mankind, with a purpose and in His image.
  • Man is created and sustained by God and is a person capable of making moral choices.
  • Man is made in the image of God.
  • Man is a bipedal primate mammal (Homo sapiens) that is anatomically related to the great apes but distinct from them in many ways.

In summary, "man" can refer to an adult male human, a person capable of making moral choices, a creature made in Gods image, or the human race as a whole.

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