what is mania and hypomania

what is mania and hypomania

1 year ago 40

Mania and hypomania are two related mental and behavioral disorders that can occur with bipolar disorder, but can also occur in other mental health conditions. Here are the key differences between mania and hypomania:


  • A milder form of mania that typically lasts for a few days.
  • A period of abnormally elevated, extreme changes in mood or emotions, energy level or activity level.
  • Can be a symptom of bipolar disorder, but can also be a symptom of other mental health conditions.
  • Can cause increased self-esteem or confidence, racing thoughts, decreased inhibitions, and increased sexual desire.


  • A more severe form of hypomania that typically lasts for a week or longer.
  • A period of over-active and high energy behavior that can have a significant impact on day-to-day life.
  • Can cause euphoria, full of energy, or unusually irritable.
  • Can cause more noticeable problems at work, school, and social activities, as well as relationship difficulties.
  • Can trigger a break from reality (psychosis) and require hospitalization.

Both mania and hypomania can cause risky behavior that may be atypical for an individual, such as impulsive sex, gambling with life savings, or going on big spending sprees. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of mania or hypomania, it is important to seek professional help from a mental health provider.

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