what is manuscript

what is manuscript

1 year ago 40

A manuscript is a written or typewritten composition or document, as distinguished from a printed copy. It is traditionally any document written by hand or typewritten, as opposed to mechanically printed or reproduced in some indirect or automated way. Manuscripts can be found in hundreds of different languages and scripts, and they are composed on various materials such as paper, bark, cloth, metal, palm leaf, or any other material dating back at least seventy-five years that has significant scientific, historical, or aesthetic value. Manuscripts are distinct from historical records such as epigraphs on rocks, firmans, revenue records which provide direct information on events or processes in history. Manuscripts have knowledge content. In the context of library science, a manuscript is defined as any handwritten item in the collections of a library or an archive. In book, magazine, and music publishing, a manuscript is an autograph or copy of a work, written by an author, composer, or copyist. In film and theatre, a manuscript, or script for short, is an authors or dramatists text, used by a theatre company or film crew during the production of the works performance or filming.

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