what is mascara made from bat poop

what is mascara made from bat poop

1 year ago 31

Mascara is not made from bat poop, contrary to a popular myth. Instead, it is made of a combination of oils, waxes, and preservatives to create a brand’s unique combination of ingredients. Oils and waxes are used for consistency and color, while preservatives eliminate clumping or separation. The key ingredients in mascara include a pigment to darken lashes, a film to coat lashes, and a thickening agent to thicken lashes. Different brands and formulas may have some variation to this formula, but these are the main ingredients in each mascara.

Guanine, or pearl essence, is an ingredient that is often confused with bat poop. It comes from fish scales and is used to give a shine to mascara and other beauty products. Guanine is used as an opacifying agent, giving mascara a translucent appearance, and a colorant. It is also used in shampoo, nail polish, eye-shadow, and more, giving these products the iridescent shimmer that makes them so appealing.

In conclusion, mascara is not made from bat poop, but it may contain guanine, which is derived from fish scales.

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