what is medical asepsis

what is medical asepsis

1 year ago 37

Medical asepsis is a set of practices and procedures used by healthcare professionals to prevent the introduction of pathogens into a patients body during medical procedures. It is also known as "clean technique" and is used to reduce the number and transmission of disease-causing microorganisms after they leave the body. Medical asepsis is different from surgical asepsis, which involves more stringent measures to eliminate every potential microorganism in and around a sterile field.

The core practices of medical asepsis include the following:

  • Proper hand hygiene
  • Cleaning of equipment
  • Utilizing gloves, gowns, and face masks
  • Isolation precautions

Medical asepsis is used to care for clients with infectious diseases, to prevent reinfection of the client, and to avoid spreading infection from one person to another or throughout the facility. It is particularly important for surgeons, as the risk of infection increases significantly during invasive procedures.

In summary, medical asepsis is a set of practices and procedures used to prevent the introduction of pathogens into a patients body during medical procedures. It is different from surgical asepsis, which involves more stringent measures to eliminate every potential microorganism in and around a sterile field. The core practices of medical asepsis include proper hand hygiene, cleaning of equipment, utilizing gloves, gowns, and face masks, and isolation precautions.

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