what is medical payments coverage

what is medical payments coverage

1 year ago 44

Medical payments coverage, also known as MedPay, is an optional coverage option for auto insurance policies in most states. It is designed to help pay for medical expenses resulting from a car accident, regardless of who caused the accident. Medical payments coverage is sometimes called medical expense coverage or just "med pay".

If youre injured in a car accident, medical payments coverage may help pay for the following expenses for you or your passengers:

  • Health insurance deductibles and co-pays
  • Doctor or hospital visits
  • Surgery, X-rays or prostheses
  • Ambulance and emergency medical technician fees
  • Professional nursing services

Medical payments coverage is different from liability coverage, which pays for damages you cause to other people and their property. Medical payments coverage is usually optional, so if you cause a car accident and dont have medical payments coverage, you will have to pay out of your own pocket for your medical bills. Medical payments insurance has a coverage limit, which is the maximum amount your insurer will pay for a covered loss. You can choose your limit when you buy coverage. Any medical expenses that exceed your coverage limit are your responsibility.

Medical payments coverage is not required in most states, and if you have health insurance through your employer, you may want to consider if its worth adding to your auto policy. Unlike health insurance, there are no deductibles or co-payments with medical payments coverage. It starts paying with the first dollar of incurred expenses and pays regardless of whos responsible for the accident. It will also pay for expenses that your health insurance may not, such as chiropractic visits or an ambulance ride.

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