Metadata in HTML refers to data that describes data, and it is used to provide information about the HTML document. Metadata is placed in the head section of an HTML document, which is used to provide information about the web page and instructions for web browsers and search engine web crawlers. The <meta> tag is used to provide high-level metadata about the web page, such as the author, important keywords that describe the document, and links to custom favicons. The <title> element contents are also used in other ways, such as bookmarking the page or search results.
Meta tags, also known as metadata, are HTML snippets used in web development to describe the content on a web page. They provide search engines with descriptions about the page content to help them determine what the page is about and deliver the most relevant pages to search engine users. Meta tags are used to add different kinds of metadata and processing instructions, such as specifying the documents character encoding or adding a content security policy.
In summary, metadata in HTML is used to provide information about the HTML document, such as the author, important keywords that describe the document, and links to custom favicons. Meta tags are used to describe the content on a web page and provide search engines with descriptions about the page content to help them determine what the page is about and deliver the most relevant pages to search engine users.