what is mewtwo weak against

what is mewtwo weak against

1 year ago 44

Mewtwo is a Psychic-type Pokémon, which makes it weak against Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type moves. Therefore, the best Pokémon to use against Mewtwo in a raid scenario are those of these types. Some recommended Pokémon and moves to use when battling against Mewtwo include:

  • Gengar: Lick, Shadow Ball
  • Houndoom: Snarl, Foul Play
  • Tyranitar: Bite, Crunch
  • Weavile: Snarl, Foul Play
  • Chandelure: Hex, Shadow Ball
  • Yveltal: Snarl, Dark Pulse

. Its worth noting that Mewtwo is stronger against Fighting-type enemies and other Psychic types, so its best to avoid using these types against it.

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