MFR stands for Myofascial Release, which is a holistic, therapeutic approach to manual therapy that involves applying gentle, sustained pressure into myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. Fascia is a fine tissue that surrounds all structures in the body including muscles, nerves, vessels, and bones, and MFR focuses on releasing fascial restrictions. MFR can be used to treat pain and increase mobility in patients with a wide range of conditions, including back pain, neck pain, and fibromyalgia. It can also be used to stretch muscles before competition and during rehabilitation. MFR techniques include sustained pressure, assisted stretching, visceral manipulations, and guided postural correction. By applying gentle, hands-on techniques to the whole body, positive structural changes may occur, such as increased range of motion, decreased pain, and increased fascial mobility. MFR is a form of structural bodywork based on osteopathy, which works on the body as a whole to allow the fascial system to return to its correct position, length, and function.