what is militarism

what is militarism

1 year ago 47

Militarism is a belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and use it aggressively to expand national interests. It has been a significant element of the imperialist or expansionist ideologies of many nations throughout history, including the Assyrian Empire, the Greek city-state of Sparta, the Roman Empire, the Aztec nation, and the Mongol Empire. Militarism can also refer to the exaltation of military virtues and ideals.

In modern times, militarism has been criticized for its potential to lead to conflict and war. The administration of a country may be criticized for the militarism of its foreign policy, which may involve the use of military methods, forces, etc., to gain power and achieve its goals.

Overall, militarism is a complex and multifaceted concept that has played a significant role in the history of many nations.

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