Milk tea is a type of tea drink that has milk added to it. It can be served hot or cold and can be made with various types of tea, including black tea, green tea, and oolong tea. Milk tea can be as simple as a splash of milk in a hot cup of tea, or it can be a complex recipe including various ingredients. The term "milk tea" can also refer to specific recipes from different countries, such as British milk tea, which is served with a bit of milk.
The best teas to use for milk tea are robust black teas that have a full body and strong flavor that can stand up to the addition of other ingredients without being lost in the noise. Milk also helps soften the hearty, slightly astringent character of these teas, resulting in a mellower cup of tea without as much bite.
Milk tea can be made with various types of milk, including regular milk, condensed milk, and evaporated milk. Sweeteners such as sugar, honey, or brown sugar can also be added to taste.
Milk tea is a popular way to serve tea in many countries, including India, Pakistan, and Taiwan. In Taiwan, milk tea is also known as bubble milk tea, which is a tea-based drink with toppings added to it. The main difference between bubble tea and milk tea is that bubble tea can refer to any tea-based beverage with or without toppings, while milk tea is strictly a tea drink combined with creamer or milk.