what is mineral spirits

what is mineral spirits

1 year ago 43

Mineral spirits, also known as white spirit, mineral turpentine, turpentine substitute, and petroleum spirits, is a petroleum-derived clear liquid used as a common organic solvent in painting. Mineral spirits are made of 100-percent petroleum distillates and have no additives. They are heavily refined and contain fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs) than paint thinner, which makes them a safer and gentler solvent. Mineral spirits are commonly used to thin oil-based paint, clean paint brushes after use, clean auto parts and tools, remove adhesive residue from non-porous surfaces, and many other common tasks. They can also be used to clean stains and varnishes, as well as for cleaning up oil stains or spills. Mineral spirits have a characteristic unpleasant kerosene-like odor, but chemical manufacturers have developed a low odor version of mineral spirits which contains less of the highly volatile shorter hydrocarbons. Odorless mineral spirits is white spirit that has been further refined to remove the more toxic aromatic compounds.

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