In real estate, MLS stands for Multiple Listing Service, which is a database of homes for sale in a particular geographic region. Real estate agents and brokers use the MLS to share information about properties for sale and find available listings for prospective buyers. MLSs are private databases created, maintained, and paid for by real estate professionals to help their clients buy and sell property. Each regions MLS is created, maintained, and paid for by real estate professionals in that local area. The information listed on the MLS includes pictures and detailed descriptions of the homes for sale. Buyers agents use the MLS to find homes to show clients. MLSs are a powerful force for competition, as they level the playing field so that the smallest brokerage in town can compete with the biggest multi-state firm. Buyers and sellers can work with the professional of their choice, confident that they have access to the largest pool of properties for sale in the marketplace. For sellers, having their home listed on the MLS can help it sell faster and for more money. For home buyers, working with an agent who utilizes the MLS means they can be confident theyre getting a full picture of whats for sale in the area. To view and use an MLS, youll need a real estate license.