MMP can refer to different things depending on the context. Here are some possible meanings:
Mixed-member proportional representation: MMP is a mixed electoral system used in some countries, where voters cast two votes: one for a local representative and one for a political party. The nationwide seats are allocated to parties in a compensatory manner to achieve proportional election results.
Mobile measurement partner: An MMP is a third-party company that helps mobile app marketers measure campaign performance across advertising marketing channels, media sources, and ad networks. It collects, organizes, and presents data from marketing campaigns to provide insights about mobile campaign performance such as app installs, clicks, engagement, revenue, etc. .
Medicare-Medicaid Plan: MMP is a type of health plan that provides integrated Medicare and Medicaid benefits to eligible individuals. It is available in some states in the US and is designed to improve care coordination and quality for people who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid.
It is important to note that the meaning of MMP can vary depending on the context, and it is always best to clarify the specific meaning in a given situation.