what is modular learning

what is modular learning

1 year ago 43

Modular learning is an educational approach that partitions learning into smaller, Lego-like building blocks, each with their own credentials, learning, and skills outcomes. It is an approach where the focus is on learning outcomes, and its success relies on connecting outcomes to student learning and course design. Modular learning arranges information in a way that presents points in an intelligent way, and it can be individualized according to learners needs. Traditional course frameworks generally present information sequentially, and the perception by the learner is one of monotony. Modular learning puts strong emphasis on 1-1 mastery-based instruction, allowing children to learn at their own pace and evolving teaching methods as they go.

Modular learning can be used in various contexts, including higher education, where it enables lifelong learning because working professionals are able to learn new skills in shorter amounts of time, even while they work. It is also used in basic education, particularly in rural areas, where it refers to the mode of learning commonly used by teachers. Modular learning can incorporate some unschooling, traditional homeschooling, hybrid school, and online school, and it helps children learn effectively and efficiently at the right level of challenge by choosing the best mix of curriculum and teachers to support their unique way of learning and adapting along the way.

In summary, modular learning is an educational approach that partitions learning into smaller building blocks, each with its own credentials, learning, and skills outcomes. It can be individualized according to learners needs and can be used in various contexts, including higher education and basic education. Modular learning puts strong emphasis on 1-1 mastery-based instruction, allowing children to learn at their own pace and evolving teaching methods as they go.

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