what is mono

what is mono

1 year ago 138

Mononucleosis, also known as "mono" or the "kissing disease," is a viral infection that is primarily caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Other viruses, such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), can also cause this illness, although they are less common. Mono is most prevalent among teenagers and young adults, particularly college students. The virus is spread through various bodily fluids, with saliva being the primary mode of transmission. In addition to kissing, the infection can be contracted by sharing drinks, food, or personal items (like straws, drinking glasses, eating utensils, or toothbrushes) that have come into contact with an infected persons saliva.

The symptoms of mono typically include a sore throat, fever, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes. The illness usually resolves on its own after a few weeks of rest. There is no specific treatment for mono, and antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections like this. The best way to prevent mono is by practicing good hygiene and avoiding close contact with infected individuals.

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