what is moonlighting in residency

what is moonlighting in residency

1 year ago 31

Moonlighting in residency refers to working an additional job as an independent physician outside of the scope of ones residency training program. Here are some key points to consider:


  • Additional income: Moonlighting can significantly improve a residents financial situation, especially for those with lower pay and a lot of student loan debt.
  • Additional experience: Moonlighting gives residents the opportunity to see different types of patients and to do different kinds of work.
  • Opportunity to audition for a full-time position: In some cases, moonlighting can provide an opportunity to audition for a full-time position.


  • Duty-hour restrictions: Residents are still bound by duty-hour restrictions that limit them to 80 hours a week.
  • Potential problems: Medical moonlighting as a resident can be controversial because residents are not yet fully trained physicians. The less training they have, the more likely they are to make a mistake.
  • Research falling to the wayside: Moonlighting could cut into a residents ability to do quality research during residency.

Its important to note that individual residency programs may have policies about their residents moonlighting, and some programs may prohibit residents from moonlighting altogether. The American Medical Association suggests additional financial assistance for residents could decrease the need for moonlighting, but residents in good standing should still have the opportunity to moonlight. Residents should also make sure that any moonlighting jobs offer quality malpractice coverage.

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