MTSS stands for Multi-Tiered System of Supports, which is a framework that many schools use to provide targeted support to struggling students. The goal of MTSS is to intervene early so students can catch up with their peers. It screens all students and aims to address academic and behavior challenges. MTSS is designed to help schools identify struggling students early and intervene quickly. It focuses on the “whole child,” supporting academic growth, as well as behavior, social and emotional needs, and absenteeism (not attending school).
The tiers of support are a huge part of MTSS. They get more intense from one level to the next. For example, a child getting small group interventions may need to “move up” to one-on-one help. MTSS is a systemic solution that helps districts across the country improve student outcomes through the use of screeners, a continuum of tiered support, progress monitoring, and data-based decision-making.
The essential components of MTSS include screening, progress monitoring, multi-level prevention system, and data-based decision making. MTSS is not the same thing as response to intervention (RTI), but it may include the three tiers of RTI. MTSS supports the adults at the school, too. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) cites MTSS as a way to increase teacher effectiveness. ESSA gives states funding that can be used for professional development to help teachers use MTSS.
In summary, MTSS is a framework that many schools use to provide targeted support to struggling students. It is designed to help schools identify struggling students early and intervene quickly, focusing on the “whole child” and supporting academic growth, as well as behavior, social and emotional needs, and absenteeism. The tiers of support get more intense from one level to the next, and MTSS is a systemic solution that helps districts across the country improve student outcomes through the use of screeners, a continuum of tiered support, progress monitoring, and data-based decision-making.