Environmental studies is a multidisciplinary academic discipline that investigates, researches, and extends knowledge about the living and physical environment. The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies encompasses biological, cultural, social, and physical components, and it is related to science, geography, economics, statistics, health, technology, population, and ecology. Environmental studies is considered multidisciplinary because it comprises various branches of studies like social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities-Psc-Eco-Eng-BA(P)-II-Environment.pdf).
The importance of the multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies lies in its ability to help us comprehend our surroundings and natural occurrences. It defines cross-disciplinary, multi-sectoral, and multi-dimensional research, which provides a diverse variety of professional options after completing a degree program in this discipline. Environmental studies is essential because it promotes an understanding of nature and the impact of humans on it. It is an applied science that seeks practical answers to making human civilization sustainable on the earth’s finite resources-Psc-Eco-Eng-BA(P)-II-Environment.pdf).
In conclusion, the multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies is crucial in understanding the environment and its impact on human civilization. It encompasses various branches of studies and provides a diverse range of professional options. The importance of environmental studies lies in its ability to promote an understanding of nature and the impact of humans on it, and it seeks practical answers to making human civilization sustainable on the earth’s finite resources.