what is mvp in software development

what is mvp in software development

1 year ago 47

MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product in software development. It is a development approach where a product is built with enough features to attract early-adopter customers and validate a product idea early in the product cycle. The purpose of an MVP is to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least amount of effort. An MVP is a functional product that can accomplish basic tasks that the developer wants early adopters to test out. The key benefits of MVP development include preventing the creation of software that nobody wants, focusing on the minimum feature to identify the core value proposition, building the right product with a minimal budget, and testing software with minimal risk. MVP development is a way to collect valuable feedback and insight, as well as get to know the market demand better.

MVP development can be done using two approaches: code-based MVP development and non-code-based MVP development. In code-based MVP development, the two most demanded types are single-feature MVP and piecemeal' MVP. In single-feature MVP, only one key feature of the future software that creates the core value is implemented, while in 'piecemeal' MVP, a product or a custom application version comprising its basic features is created out of ready-made elements.

The following roles are involved in MVP development: front-end developer, quality assurance engineer, back-end developer, and project manager. The front-end developer creates the MVP client-side, while the quality assurance engineer designs and implements the test strategy, plans, and cases. The back-end developer is responsible for the server-side development, and the project manager oversees the entire MVP development process.

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