A spirit animal is an animal that guides a person on a journey and whose characteristics that person embodies. It is a metaphor for someone or something which is a good representation of a person. There are many quizzes available online that can help you determine your spirit animal based on your personality and preferences. Some popular quizzes include:
SpiritAnimal.info: This website offers a quiz that asks questions about your favorite natural element, your level of peace with yourself, and other traits to determine your spirit animal.
BuzzFeed: BuzzFeed offers a quiz that asks a few short questions to determine which animal best matches your personality.
Riddle: Riddle offers a quiz that presents you with different animals and their associated qualities, and asks you to choose which one resonates with you the most.
BrainFall: BrainFall offers a quiz that asks questions about your personality and preferences to determine your spirit animal.
WhatIsMySpiritAnimal.com: This website offers a quiz based on personality typing and archetypes to help you find your spirit animal.
Quizoto: Quizoto offers a quiz that asks questions about your personality and preferences to determine your spirit animal.
Its important to note that spirit animals are archetypes, and some of the symbolism associated with a particular animal may seem strange. Additionally, you may have just one spirit animal or many over the course of your life.