what is my voting district by zip code

what is my voting district by zip code

1 year ago 38

To find your voting district by zip code, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. New York State Board of Elections: If you are a New York State voter, you can find your new legislative districts by using the search box to locate your address on the map provided on the New York State Board of Elections website.

  2. House of Representatives: You can use the "Find Your Representative" service on the House of Representatives website to match your zip code to your congressional district.

  3. U.S. Census Bureau: The U.S. Census Bureau provides a tool called "My Congressional District" that allows you to enter your zip code and find your congressional district.

  4. New York City Board of Elections: If you are a New York City voter, you can use the "Find My Poll Site" tool on the New York City Board of Elections website to find your poll site.

  5. Vote.org: Vote.org provides a polling place locator that allows you to enter your zip code and find your polling place.

  6. State and local election offices: You can find and contact your state or local election office for help with registering, voting, and getting election results.

By using one of these methods, you can easily find your voting district by zip code.

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