Naked Attraction is a British television dating game show produced by Studio Lambert at The London Studios and broadcast on Channel 4. The show premiered on July 25, 2016, and is currently airing its seventh season. The premise of the show involves a clothed single person presented with a gallery of six fully nude potential partners, who are hidden behind differently colored booths that concurrently reveal their naked bodies gradually from the bottom up. The contestant then eliminates potential dates by scrutinizing and critiquing their fully nude bodies, which are gradually revealed one part at a time. After the elimination process, the contestant must also get naked and choose a partner. The show has been the subject of numerous complaints to Ofcom for its full-frontal nudity, but Ofcom declined to perform an investigation due to the lack of sexual activity and the series timeslot. While the show has been criticized for its graphic analysis and dismissal of people based on their most private parts, it also contains interstitials of informative sex education, and the show clearly tries to promote body confidence and positivity amid all the “hot or not” judgments.