A narco test is a type of interrogation technique used to extract information from a criminal or suspect by administering drugs that lower their inhibitions and make them more likely to reveal the truth. The term "narco" is short for "narcotic" and refers to the drugs used in the test. The test is conducted by a team of experts, including a doctor, a psychologist, and a law enforcement officer. During the test, the subject is injected with a drug such as sodium pentothal, which is also known as "truth serum". The drug is designed to make the subject more relaxed and talkative, and to lower their inhibitions so that they are more likely to reveal the truth. The subject is then asked a series of questions, and their responses are recorded and analyzed by the experts. The use of narco tests is controversial, as some argue that they are a form of torture and violate the subjects rights. However, they are still used in some countries as a means of obtaining information from suspects in criminal investigations.