what is navigation

what is navigation

1 year ago 86

Navigation is the process of monitoring and controlling the movement of a craft or vehicle from one place to another. It involves determining the position and direction of a ship, plane, or other vehicle and guiding it to a specific destination. Navigation can be divided into four general categories: land navigation, marine navigation, aeronautic navigation, and space navigation. In a broader sense, navigation can refer to any skill or study that involves the determination of position and direction, including orienteering and pedestrian navigation.

Website navigation is also an essential feature of a website. It is an organized list of links to other web pages, usually internal site pages, that appear in page headers. Good website navigation is crucial for the user experience, as it helps visitors quickly and easily find the information theyre looking for.

In terms of technology, navigation can refer to a system that displays the coordinate information received from a device on a map and draws the optimum route to the desired point with the map.

Overall, navigation is a broad term that encompasses various fields and applications, all of which involve determining position and direction.

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