what is net zero

what is net zero

10 months ago 24

Net zero refers to a state in which human-caused emissions of greenhouse gases are balanced by human-caused carbon dioxide removals over a specified time period. This concept has gained popularity in the context of addressing climate change, as it is seen as integral to the goals of the Paris Agreement and is considered important for halting global warming. Achieving net zero involves a balance between the amount of greenhouse gases emitted and the amount removed from the atmosphere, and it can be achieved through a combination of emission reduction and emission removal. The term "net zero" is distinct from "carbon neutral," as the former refers to balancing emissions with removals, while the latter often involves using offsets to neutralize existing emissions. The goal of reaching net zero is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure that any ongoing emissions are balanced by removals. This concept is significant at both the global level and for individual organizations and people, as it requires a transition in various energy and land-use systems to effectively address climate change.

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