what is newspaper

what is newspaper

1 year ago 50

A newspaper is a periodical publication that contains written information about current events, news, views, and features. It is usually printed on inexpensive, off-white paper known as newsprint. Newspapers can cover a wide variety of topics, including politics, sports, entertainment, and business. They are often typed in black ink with a white or gray background. Most newspapers are businesses, and they pay their expenses with a mixture of subscription revenue, newsstand sales, and advertising revenue. The journalism organizations that publish newspapers are themselves often metonymically called newspapers. Newspapers have traditionally been published in print, usually on cheap, low-grade paper called newsprint. However, today most newspapers are also published on websites as online newspapers, and some have even abandoned their print versions entirely. The first printed newspapers appeared in the seventeenth century, and their circulation increased until the late twentieth century, when developments in technology, especially the internet, posed major challenges to its business model.

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