what is nfc tag reader

what is nfc tag reader

1 year ago 147

An NFC tag reader is a device that can read information stored on NFC (Near Field Communication) tags. NFC tags are passive data stores that can be read and, under some circumstances, written to by an NFC device. These tags are typically read-only in normal use but may be rewritable. They can be custom encoded by their manufacturers or use industry specifications.

NFC tag readers communicate wirelessly with NFC tags, and in most cases, they provide power to the tags they are reading. The readers generate an alternating magnetic field in their immediate vicinity by passing an electric current through a coil, thanks to Faradays law of induction. When an NFC tag is brought into the range of this magnetic field, inductive coupling occurs between the two coils, allowing the reader to read the tag's data.

NFC technology is widely used in various applications, such as contactless payment terminals and public transport access gateways. In these instances, users are issued unique NFC tags in the form of cards, tokens, or apps like Google Pay, while the readers are fixed devices with an active connection to power and data.

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