In the UFC, a no contest (abbreviated as "NC") is a technical term used to describe a fight that ends for reasons outside the fighters hands, without a winner or loser). It means that neither fighter can be declared the winner of the bout. A no contest can happen due to reasons that are outside of at least one of the fighters control, such as an accidental illegal strike that results in an injury, a double knockout, ring issues, third-party interventions in the bout, or dishonest behavior like cheating or failed drug tests. The referee, doctor, the fighter, or his corner can make the decision to declare a no contest). Accidental illegal strikes resulting in injury are the most common scenario leading to a no contest. If the illegal strike was intentional, the result may shift to a forfeiture, resulting in a loss against the person who inflicted the injury. In the case of a title fight that is ruled a no contest, the champion will retain their title, but it will not be counted as a title defense).