what is no ethanol gas

what is no ethanol gas

1 year ago 36

Non-ethanol gas or clear gas is a fuel type without any ethanol content, made only from petroleum, and free from renewable fuel additives. Ethanol-free gas is gasoline thats free of ethanol. It is also known as non-ethanol gas. Ethanol is a plant-based product that is typically produced from corn crops, sugar cane, or grasses, but it can potentially be made from many different types of plants. Ethanol is added to gasoline to help reduce greenhouse gases and is part of the Federal Renewable Fuel Standard. However, ethanol can cause problems for small engines, like those found in lawnmowers, chainsaws, and leaf blowers, by separating while being stored in the gas tank and absorbing water over time, leading to poor engine performance. Ethanol-free gas is preferred for these engines because it doesnt separate and doesnt absorb water. Non-ethanol gasoline typically costs more than varieties that are blended with ethanol.

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