what is norm

what is norm

1 year ago 78

The term "norm" has different meanings depending on the context. Here are some of the most common definitions:

  1. In mathematics, a norm is a function from a real or complex vector space to the non-negative real numbers that behaves in certain ways like the distance from the origin). It commutes with scaling, obeys a form of the triangle inequality, and is zero only at the origin. A vector space with a specified norm is called a normed vector space.

  2. In social sciences, a norm is a rule or standard of behavior shared by members of a social group. Norms may be internalized, incorporated within the individual so that there is conformity without external rewards or punishments, or they may be enforced by positive or negative sanctions from without. Norms are more specific than values or ideals.

  3. In everyday language, "norm" can refer to an accepted standard or a way of being or doing things. For example, someone might say "Illness has become the norm for her."

  4. In the context of teamwork and collaboration, norms are agreed-upon rules that support a groups collaborative work. Norms are a "social contract" that helps participants avoid pitfalls and instead support behaviors that increase learning and productivity. Providing or co-creating norms for collaborative work of any kind (e.g., professional learning, meetings, planning) can help participants avoid these pitfalls.

In summary, the term "norm" can refer to a mathematical function, a rule or standard of behavior shared by a social group, an accepted standard or way of doing things, or agreed-upon rules that support a groups collaborative work.

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