what is nota in election

what is nota in election

1 year ago 42

"NOTA" stands for "None of the Above" and is an option on a ballot that allows a voter to not vote for any of the running candidates. It is a specific ballot option that enables disillusioned voters to express their dissatisfaction with the options available. The Supreme Court of India directed the use of NOTA in the context of direct elections to the Lok Sabha and the respective state assemblies in 2013). Since its introduction, NOTA has gained increasing popularity amongst the Indian electorate, securing more votes than the victory margin in some cases). However, NOTA has no electoral value in the Indian system, and even if the maximum votes are given in favor of NOTA, the candidate with the largest number of votes will still be declared the winner. The none of the above option can take different forms in different countries and is not often included in major elections.

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