NTN stands for National Tax Number, which is a unique ID issued by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in Pakistan to verify the registration of businesses and individuals liable to pay income tax. The NTN is a 7-digit number that sometimes includes a dash and an additional digit known as the check number at the end. The CNIC number is considered as the NTN number for individuals, while businesses have a 7-digit business NTN number.
The NTN is necessary for anyone who wants to get registered with governmental bodies such as FBR, Sindh Revenue Authority, Punjab Revenue Authority, Balochistan Revenue Authority, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority. It is required to file a tax return for either an individual or a business, and it is also used in the process of imports and exports of goods.
In Pakistan, each filer and all taxpayers must have an NTN number, and it is quite advantageous as it can be useful for taxpayers when conducting business and establishing a bank account. Additionally, when corporations and businesses submit tender notices and offers to government agencies as well as global corporations, they must do so with an NTN.
To check the NTN number online through the CNIC number, one can visit the website of FBR and follow the simple method given there. The NTN or Registration Number may be found on the Tax Registration Certificate issued by FBR or on the first page of the Income Tax Return.