The Objective Resolution is a document that outlines the guiding principles of a state. It was first passed by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan in March 1949 and later ratified by the Parliament in 1950. The resolution proclaimed that the future constitution of Pakistan would not be modeled entirely on a European pattern, but on the ideology and democratic faith of Islam. The Objectives Resolution has been incorporated into the Constitution of Pakistan as a preamble. Similarly, in India, the Objective Resolution was moved on December 13, 1946, by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, which provided the philosophy and guiding principles for framing the Constitution and later took the form of the Preamble of the Constitution of India. The Objective Resolution served as a preamble to the Constitution of Pakistan, which was enacted in 1956. The guiding principles laid down by the Resolution are:
- To foster unity of the nation and to ensure its economic and political security, to have a written Constitution, and to proclaim the country as a Sovereign, Democratic Republic.
- To have a federal form of government with the distribution of powers between the Centre and the States.
- To guarantee and secure justice, equality, freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith, worship, vocation, association, and action to all the people of the country.
- To provide adequate safeguards for minorities, backward and tribal areas, and depressed and other backward classes.
- To maintain the integrity of the territory of the Republic and the sovereign rights on land, sea, and air according to the law of civilized nations.
- To attain rightful and honored place in the world and make willing contribution to the promotion of world peace and the welfare of mankind.