what is objective truth

what is objective truth

1 year ago 47

Objective truth is something that is true for everyone, regardless of their personal beliefs or opinions. It is a statement that has a definite correspondence to reality, independent of anyones feelings or biases. Objective truth can be confirmed independent of a mind, and it does not depend on the perception of people). For example, the statement "the sun rises in the east" is an objective truth because it is a fact that can be verified by anyone, regardless of their personal beliefs or opinions. In contrast, subjective truth relies on personal perception and can vary from person to person. The distinction between subjectivity and objectivity is a basic idea of philosophy, particularly epistemology and metaphysics). While objective truth is often related to discussions of consciousness, agency, personhood, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of language, it is a concept that is relevant to many fields of study).

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