According to the search results from Urban Dictionary, "October 1" has different meanings to different people. Here are the meanings of "October 1" according to the search results:
- A day where depressed but loyal people were born. It is also National Coffee and Cookies Day.
- The day when companies, such as Walmart and Hobby Lobby, start putting up Christmas decorations.
- A special day to post a partner to the song "we fell in love in October".
- A birthday of a person who is depressed but laughs a lot, has a lot of friends, and is not a fake friend. A Libra is also an arty kind so she can draw well.
- A cool date to be born on even if youre a Libra.
- A month where you do absolutely nothing besides your normal monthly routine.
It is important to note that Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced website where users can submit their own definitions of words and phrases. Therefore, the meanings of "October 1" on Urban Dictionary may not be accurate or widely accepted.