what is offensive security

what is offensive security

1 year ago 39

Offensive security is a proactive and adversarial approach to protecting computer systems, networks, and individuals from attacks. It involves using the same tools, tactics, and techniques as a real attacker would when targeting an organization, but instead of using these techniques to cause harm, security teams use them to improve an organizations security. Offensive security operations are often carried out by ethical hackers, cybersecurity professionals who use their hacking skills to find and fix IT system flaws. Offensive security complements defensive security, and security teams use OffSec tactics to discover and respond to unknown attack vectors that other security measures might miss. Offensive security measures are focused on seeking out the perpetrators and in some cases attempting to disable or at least disrupt their operations. Offensive security testing is an essential component of an effective corporate cybersecurity strategy, and it identifies the vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to an organization, enabling the company to focus security investment and effort where it provides the greatest return on investment.

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