what is offshore wind

what is offshore wind

1 year ago 52

Offshore wind power or offshore wind energy is the generation of electricity through wind farms in bodies of water, usually at sea. Offshore wind farms generate more electricity per amount of wind because there are higher wind speeds offshore than on land. Unlike the typical use of the term "offshore" in the marine industry, offshore wind power includes inshore water areas such as lakes, fjords, and sheltered coastal areas as well as deeper-water areas. Most offshore wind farms employ fixed-foundation wind turbines in relatively shallow water, while floating wind turbines for deeper waters are in an earlier phase of development and deployment.

Offshore wind power is a constantly renewable and infinite energy source, and the conversion of wind into power creates no harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Offshore wind power will play an essential role in our future electricity generation as we work to tackle climate change and reduce greenhouse gases.

Advantages of offshore wind power include:

  • Renewable and non-polluting energy source
  • More wind resources offshore than onshore
  • Higher wind speeds offshore generate more electricity per amount of wind
  • Offshore wind turbines are designed to generate power even from a very light breeze
  • Offshore wind farms can be built farther offshore in very deep waters using floating bases

Disadvantages of offshore wind power include:

  • Higher installation and maintenance costs compared to onshore wind power
  • Potential negative impacts on marine life and ecosystems
  • Potential visual and noise impacts on coastal communities

Offshore wind farms use undersea cables to transmit electricity to the grid. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) works collaboratively with industry and academia to address research challenges that are unique to U.S. offshore wind and to understand and address market barriers such as environmental impacts, logistical challenges, siting and permitting, and infrastructure development. The majority of U.S. offshore wind resources are in deep waters where conventional foundations are not practical, so U.S. o...

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