what is ole action in excel

what is ole action in excel

1 year ago 38

OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding, which is a feature developed by Microsoft that allows different applications to work together. It lets you use part of a document from one program in another. When Excel sends a command to another application like Word or PowerPoint, for example, it waits for that application to respond. The "OLE action Excel" error message appears when Excel waits for another application to complete an OLE action, but the response does not come back within the required time frame. This error message can happen when you try to copy and paste data from one application to another, or when you try to open an Excel file that contains links to other files or programs.

To fix the "OLE action Excel" error message, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take:

  • Restart your computer and try again.
  • Check whether the DDE protocol has gotten disabled within Excel.
  • Uninstall and reinstall MS Office.
  • Remove all the add-ins.
  • Disable Compatibility Mode in Excel.
  • Turn off "real-time presence" in the Google Drive settings if you are using Google Drive File Stream.

If none of these steps work, you may need to seek further technical assistance.

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