Based on the search results, September 24, 2023, is a Sunday and the 267th day of the year. Here are some events and observances that are happening on this day:
- World Bollywood Day: A day to celebrate the vibrant and colorful world of Indian cinema.
- World Rivers Day: A day to celebrate the worlds waterways that bring life to our countries.
- Yom Kippur: A solemn day in the Jewish year that is devoted to fasting, prayer, and repentance, which begins at sunset on this day.
- A Ring of Fire Sunrise Solar Eclipse: A rare solar eclipse that will be visible in parts of the world, including the eastern United States, northern South America, and western Europe.
In addition to these events, there are also several national holidays and observances happening on this day, such as National Cherries Jubilee Day, Heritage Day, Lash Stylists Day, and National Horchata Day.